Content theft and ego protection

The problem of theft is as old as the world. But with the advent of the Internet, a new variety of it appeared - the problem of content theft. And naturally there was a need for ego protection. After all, no one can like it if someone appropriates the result of his ego's work. And theft is based on that: one made it, the other appropriated it. On the Internet, everything happens in approximately the same way.

You can copy the necessary information from any site manually, you can steal it automatically from rss, it doesn't matter. What's more, the plagiarism site's position in the publication may be higher than that of the real author. Here, the only way to protect content from theft is indexing by search engines.

But it also happens that search engines visit the copy-paster's site earlier than the author's site. Then it is impossible to prove that the information was stolen and the case will go unpunished. And the worst thing is that, according to the robot, you will look like a copy-paster.

Ways to protect

It is clear that webmasters strive to find new ways to protect against content theft, such as hosting services From some resources, for example, it is impossible to copy anything manually, the mouse does not work, nothing is highlighted. An experienced copy-paster will always find a way around this obstacle.

Internal linking can help when articles contain links to their own pages. The theft of such an article will play into the hands of the one who was robbed: the resource's attendance will increase, the TTC's ego and PR will increase. The technique will work only if the article was "entered" by a robot, or the plagiarist was caught by a completely inexperienced person.

The same effect will be obtained from mentioning the name of the site in the text of the articles. The thief will do the owner a favor by advertising his resource. Someone has already noticed that in this way it is possible to spread the necessary information. But if the owner of the site initially did not intend to share information in this way, it is clear that he will not be happy about the theft. In general, if your content has been stolen, it remains to recognize it as a fait accompli and fight, although it is difficult.

First of all, it is necessary to prove that theft is not always possible, but more precisely, it is practically impossible at all. The only and real way is to contact the administrator of the plagiarist's site and ask him to put a link to the source. It is possible to remind any resource, and site owners know this very well, so they will most likely compromise. And what else to do, not to sue, although it is theoretically possible, but you yourself understand...

Another effective way is to contact the hoster. A site hosted on free hosting will be blocked immediately. And in general, if the hosting honors its reputation, it will not tolerate sites that violate copyright. The site thief ceases to exist and is removed from the search base. It doesn't always work, but webmasters confirm this method as the most effective.