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Privacy Policy

Politics in the field of privacy and personal data


We treat with great respect the confidential (personal) information of all persons, without exception, who visited the Newsyou.info Site (hereinafter - the Site), as well as those who use the services provided by the Site; in this regard, the Site Editor strives to protect the confidentiality of personal data by creating and providing the most comfortable conditions for using the Site's services for any and every User.

In order to implement the above, the Editorial Board brings to your attention the relevant Policy in the field of confidentiality and personal data (a detailed description of how the process of processing your personal (personal) data occurs when using services and/or any services of the Site, as well as when visiting the Site for address  :https://www.newsyou.info).

If you have any questions regarding privacy and personal data, please contact the Site Administration using the contacts listed on the Site in the "Contacts" section. In its activities, the Site's editors make all necessary efforts to comply with legislation in the field of personal data protection.

NB! Personal data - information or a set of information about a natural person who is identified or can be specifically identified.

Purposes of personal data processing

Your personal data is processed for the purpose of providing services (services) of the Site (reading news, commenting on news, etc.); participation in the work of the Site (on a voluntary basis) as editors, administrators and authors of materials; relations in the field of advertising and communication, respectively, and for the implementation of the laws of Ukraine somehow (but not exclusively): "On the protection of personal data", "On the ratification of the Convention on the protection of individuals in connection with the automated processing of personal data and of the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of Individuals in Connection with Automated Processing of Personal Data Regarding Supervisory Authorities and Cross-Border Data Flows", "About Information", "About Advertising", "About Telecommunications", "About Protection of Information in Information and Telecommunications Systems" , "On state support of mass media and social protection of journalists."

Collection and use of personal data

When the User uses the services of the Site, the Editorial Office collects and other types of processing of the User's data, namely:

— data provided by the User in the process of using the Site services, including adding comments to the news/biography, feedback to the Site Editor (name, e-mail, additional data that the User provides on his own (on his own initiative) Site editors);

— data of the Site Editorial Board: Administrator, Editor-in-Chief, editors, authors of materials (surname, first name, patronymic, position, contact phone number);

— data taken from publicly available sources on the Internet, printed mass media (photos of public figures, their biographical data, video materials);

— Cookies;

— IP addresses;

The Site editor collects only those personal data (for example, your first and last name, e-mail address, contact phone number, etc.) that are knowingly and voluntarily provided by the subject of personal data for the purpose of using the latter desired for the provision of services Site; participation in the work of the Site (on a voluntary basis) as editors, administrators and authors of materials.

We draw your attention: The Site editor is limited to collecting the minimum amount of information from the subjects of personal data, which is required exclusively for the provision of services for the use of the Site, its technical work. In any case, when optional information is requested, the subject of personal data will be notified at the time such information is collected.

We do not collect any information that is required by law to be processed, such as information about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, political party and trade union membership, criminal convictions or criminal convictions. punishment, as well as data related to health or sexual life, biometric and genetic data (in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data").

The administration collects data on the statistics of visits to the Site. The information may contain information about traffic, the User's browser, as well as about the date, time, and length of stay on the Site. 

Storage of personal data

The personal data provided is stored in data centers where the equipment that ensures the functioning of the Site services is located.

Period of storage of personal data

Personal data are stored for no longer than is necessary for their processing.

Interaction of the Site Administration with third parties regarding personal data

The Site Administration does not transfer personal data to third parties, except when such transfer is required by law, at the request of the subject of personal data or in other cases set forth in this section. We understand that personal information is a valuable and integral content, including the personal non-property rights of any natural person, therefore we take all possible measures to protect the personal information of Users, which was voluntarily and knowingly transferred by the latter to the Site Administration.

The Site may contain links to other Sites (exclusively for informational purposes), which may not use and/or comply with the Administration Policy in the field of privacy and personal data.

According to the legislation of Ukraine, personal data can be transferred to law enforcement, judicial bodies and other institutions for the purpose of protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

We pay attention: when following a link to other Sites, the effect of this Policy in the field of privacy and personal data will not apply to such Sites. In this regard, the Site Administration recommends reviewing the privacy and personal data policy of each Site before submitting any personal data by which you can be identified.

Interaction of the site with other web resources

When the User uses the services, the pages of the Site may contain codes from other Internet resources and third parties, as a result of which such Internet resources and third parties receive your data. Therefore, these Internet resources can receive and process information about the fact that you have visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the User's browser. Such Internet resources can be:

— systems for collecting statistics of service visits (for example, Google Analytics counters, i.ua);

— banner display systems 

— social plug-ins of networks (forums) (for example, Facebook, Twitter, Google+).

Systems for collecting statistics of service visits, Google Analytics counters, i.ua

Google Analytics, i.ua service codes are installed on some pages of our website. These services can receive and process information exclusively about the fact that you have visited the page and other information transmitted by your browser.

The use of these services is necessary for us to quickly analyze site visits, internal and external evaluation of site visits, depth of views, and user activity. We do not store data received from these services.

In the case of the User's consent, one way or another, we recommend that you always familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policy and/or the procedure for the collection and use of personal data of individuals by the specified and similar services in order to avoid misunderstandings or prevent violations of the rights of personal data subjects, since we are not responsible in terms of collection/processing/use of personal data by the specified/similar services.

Rules for the use of cookie technology

Cookies are small text files in which the browser can record data received from the server.

We draw your attention: We do not collect any information that is required by law to be collected, such as information about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, political party or trade union membership, criminal convictions or convictions criminal punishment, as well as data on health or sexual life (according to Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data").

In some cases, for the provision of certain products and services, the Administration turns to service providers who may be our partners. The latter, in turn, can also use Cookies to personalize the activity of Users regarding the respective partner applications; or if it concerns advertising, then "Cookies" can be used by the partner to determine the fact of the display of advertising and the User's reaction.

At the same time, we do not use "Cookies" files to collect information about the User's activity on other Sites to display advertisements.

Safety of minors

We take safety issues very seriously, especially with regard to minors, and in this regard, we appeal to parents to explain to their children the safety issues on the Internet, their specific goals, and the need to use those or other services of the Site in the case of such. The Site editors are not responsible for the safety of the activities of minors, their illegal actions on the Site.

Confidentiality of activity of the subject of personal data on the Site

Information about activity (traffic) on the Users' Site is protected in accordance with the law. That is, the Administration of the Site in no way or way violates the secret of the User's "activity" when using the latest services of the Site.

Protection of personal data

The Site administration uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and personal data against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite all efforts, we cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats arising outside the Administration's input.

Nevertheless, the Site Administration ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized or illegal disclosure or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Terms of access to personal data

The procedure for access to personal data of third parties is determined by the terms of the consent of the subject of personal data, given by the owners of personal data for the processing of this data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The subject of personal data has the right to receive any information about himself from any subject of relations with personal data, subject to the provision of information established by law.

Delaying the personal data subject's access to personal data is not allowed.

Delay of access to personal data of third parties is allowed if the necessary data cannot be provided within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request. In this case, the total term for solving the issues raised in the request cannot exceed forty-five calendar days. The notice of postponement is brought to the attention of the third party who submitted the request in writing with an explanation of the procedure for appealing such a decision.

The decision to delay or deny access to personal data may be appealed to the court.

If the request is made by the subject of personal data based on his/her own data, the duty of proving in court the legality of the denial of access is entrusted to the owner of personal data to whom the request was submitted.

According to the legislation of Ukraine, personal data can be transferred to law enforcement, judicial bodies and other institutions for the purpose of protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

Rights of the subject of personal data

The editors of the Site remind you of your rights as a subject of personal data, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" No. 2297-VI, namely:

— to know about the location of personal data containing his personal data, its purpose and name, location and/or place of residence (residence) of the owner or manager of personal data or to give the appropriate instruction to obtain this information to persons authorized by him, except in cases established by law;

— to receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;

— to access your personal data;

— to receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided by law, an answer on whether his personal data is stored in the relevant personal data base, as well as to receive the content of his personal data;

— present a motivated demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of his personal data;

— make a motivated demand for the change or destruction of your personal data by any owner and manager of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable;

— to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of data, as well as protection from providing information that is unreliable or dishonors the honor, dignity and business reputation of a physical person individuals;

— file complaints about the processing of your personal data to state authorities and officials whose powers include ensuring the protection of personal data or to court;

— apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data;

— to enter reservations regarding the limitation of the right to process one's personal data when giving consent;

— withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

— to know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data; — to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.

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