Antiviral drugs for colds


Only at first glance, people seem like invincible creatures who easily resist external aggression. But, this is only partially so. Modern specialists can transplant organs using stem cells and grow new tissues. Humanity is able to treat various ailments, as well as fight pathologies that spread many different infections. But there is something else in our world that humanity has not yet learned to manage. These are viruses that are not part of the group of living substances or even inorganic ones. There is a lot of discussion and argument about viruses and they are trying to find a panacea, the best medicine that would help treat any viral ailment. But so far it is not in the competence of a person, since viruses are complex and have quite diverse structures. Plus, they are easily transformed. Viruses easily adapt to the harshest conditions and are able to survive even in space.

It may seem that viruses are simply immortal and invincible. But people are still forced to resist them. At least, it is possible to use modified antiviral drugs for colds, which contain their power, which can easily destroy all of humanity.

The action of antiviral drugs

The mistake of some "fighters" with viruses is that they think that the only way to fight a virus is with a high-quality antiviral drug. But in fact, the immune system can resist the disease itself for a while thanks to a special substance produced by the body. In medical terminology, it is called interferon. Antibodies also contribute to this fight.

But in the initial stages, a day or two after the disease, it is possible to help the body. It exists for this antiviral drug. The fact is that when the virus passes through the skin or mucous membrane, it enters the body, but there it is met by the cells of the immune system. They resist bacteria thanks to antibodies.

It takes time for these "warriors" to be produced in the right amount. At the same time, the body's defense system stores the calculated virus code in memory. In this regard, if the virus enters the body again, it immediately carries out the well-established countermeasures. Because the "warriors" learned the code, they immediately resist the virus, that is, they completely neutralize it.

Antivirals are immunomodulators

To date, the field of pharmaceuticals has managed to create so many drugs of this series that it is simply impossible to tell about each one. Therefore, you should focus on the most popular and really useful drugs. Each agent has an excellent antiviral effect, it stimulates the body to produce interferon, which actively resists the attack. Among these drugs, there is one group whose drugs can be taken only after being prescribed by an immunologist, and then after a thorough examination of the patient

If you are interested in antiviral drugs for a cold, you can find out their names by visiting a consultant at the Good Day Pharmacy, where only the best specialists work and only the best drugs are available. He will listen to you and prescribe exactly what is needed in your particular case. But the drugs that are not included in this group can be easily bought in a pharmacy and used if prescribed by the local doctor. Each of these drugs should be considered in the key of prevention, and not in the general course of treatment of a viral disease.