Early ejaculation: causes and treatment methods


Premature ejaculation is one of the most common problems of a sexual nature, occurring in almost every second man. The standard duration of sexual intercourse in healthy men is about 7-8 minutes. They talk about early ejaculation when the duration of intimacy does not exceed two minutes. This sexual dysfunction is accompanied by the inability to control orgasm when a person cannot control the onset of ejaculation. As a result, the second partner remains unsatisfied, which negatively affects the couple's relationship.

Despite the extensiveness of the disease, few patients who want to change the quality of sex for the better go to the doctor. It has been proven that timely treatment at the first signs of the disease is the key to successfully getting rid of it. The most common treatment method is medication based on the use of special tablets that delay the onset of orgasm. Dapoxetine is a world-famous drug that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in the symptomatic treatment of premature ejaculation in men of different age groups. Buy Dapoxetine it's easy, just visit an online pharmacy.

Causes of early ejaculation

The most common factors affecting the development of this pathology are:

  • long-term abstinence from intimacy;
  • psychological discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • some neurological and psychoemotional disorders that prevent relaxation during sex;
  • pathologically sensitive head of the penis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • urinary tract infections, venereal diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • frequent stress, depression.

All this negatively affects men's health. As a result of such factors, additional pathologies may occur. The most common sexual dysfunction after premature ejaculation is impotence. That's why you can't refuse qualified medical care.

Features of treatment

Treatment of early ejaculation is prescribed by the doctor individually, after evaluating the results of the tests, the patient's overall health condition, determining the nature of the origin of the disease, as well as its degree. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which includes taking some medications and psychotherapy aimed at getting rid of existing fears, as well as training in the technique of delaying orgasm. Therapy includes establishing a healthy lifestyle, ensuring proper balanced nutrition, as well as engaging in simple sports.