Travel by train in comfort


To make a long train trip more comfortable for you, prepare for it in advance. First of all, take care of the timely purchase of train tickets, which are best ordered on the site on the website, because for this you will not even have to leave your own home, and the price fully corresponds to the offers at the country's railway stations. Next, prepare all the necessary things and arrange them correctly.

On a long road, it is best to change into something light, because riding even one day in jeans can be very difficult, and in the summer heat it can be completely unbearable. For the same reason, it is better to stock up on light slates or slippers. However, do not forget that you will definitely want to walk at the station, so the clothes should not be completely "homemade".

Of the products, be sure to take those that do not spoil quickly: nuts, sweets, dried fruits, hard fruits or vegetables. Try to eat all meat and fish products, soft fruits and vegetables on the first day, because in a stuffy train, all this can spoil very quickly. Even if you are tight with finances, on a long journey it is better to buy food from conductors, in a restaurant car or at stations, than to drive the whole way with symptoms of severe poisoning.

After collecting all the necessary things, be sure to put those that you will need on the train into a separate bag. This can be a toothbrush with paste, clothes, food, a book to read, a tablet, a phone, a passport with a ticket, and other things. If you have all this at your fingertips, you won't have to drive out the neighbors and raise the lower shelves every time.

Try to be polite and tolerant towards those who are traveling with you, because otherwise your mood may be spoiled for the whole trip. Even if for some reason you do not like your roommates (their appearance, behavior, outlook), then instead of judging, you can simply turn into an observer. By remaining an observer of things that you do not understand, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. Then your trip will surely bring you pleasure.