How to choose the right vacuum cleaner for a house or apartment


How to choose a good vacuum cleaner?

Today, the market is full of a large selection of vacuum cleaners of different models with different parameters. When choosing a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to be guided by the parameters of the functions and performance of the vacuum cleaner.

There are several criteria for choosing the right vacuum cleaner:

• Power consumption;

• Suction power;

• The volume of air flow;

• Filtration;

• Noise level.

Power consumption

The most important indicator of the efficiency of a vacuum cleaner is power. This parameter can be measured from one to two thousand watts. The power of the vacuum cleaner does not affect the better suction of dust. The power of the vacuum cleaner does not affect the quality of cleaning the apartment. The following indicators are responsible for good dust absorbency. From this, it can be concluded that vacuum cleaners with the same power can be different in the quality of their work.

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Vacuum cleaner filters are intended both for cleaning the air in the room and for reducing the probability of dirt getting into the motor part of the vacuum cleaner. Filters in vacuum cleaners are removable and non-removable. Removable filters provide replacement for a new filter, which you can do independently buy a filter for a vacuum cleaner.

Suction power

This parameter of the vacuum cleaner is the most important when choosing the right vacuum cleaner because it is the power of suction that affects the quality and efficiency of cleaning in the house. When determining the choice of a vacuum cleaner, special attention is paid to the middle limit of its power, which is determined by the discharge (h) and the force of the air flow (q) so that (Р= qh).

A device with a power of 250 W is quite suitable for cleaning a small area of ​​the room, but if the room has a large level of pollution, then you should choose a model with a power of 350 W.

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Volume of air flow

The volume of air that a vacuum cleaner can draw in is measured by the flow rate per m/min (dm/sec).

A good ratio of two main criteria - air flow and its rarefaction - is necessary for the high-quality operation of a vacuum cleaner. A good air flow with a low vacuum can cause a deterioration in the performance of the vacuum cleaner and poor suction.

Noise level

This parameter is of great concern to the buyer because causes unpleasant noise of the vacuum cleaner engine, therefore the noise level of the vacuum cleaner is measured in dB and constitutes the permissible norm, which ranges from 72 to 79 dB - this is the permissible level.

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