4 main methods for retaining users and popularizing a mobile application


How difficult it is to interest the user in his application, and so that he not only downloads it, but also uses it on a permanent basis. But don't be afraid, developer, there are some simple tricks that will make the application popular.

What affects the number of downloads?

First, it will be logical to make sure that the user at least downloads the product. Therefore, add it to Google Play and start the promotion that you are talking about here you can read quite a lot of interesting things. If this happens rarely, it will be useful to correct the description. But don't waste your time describing all the advantages of your product, few people will read it to the end, and over time the user will find them himself - the main thing is that he downloads it. Therefore, in the first lines, briefly and succinctly write all the most important things, and only then less significant details.

Another useful way to attract more users is to use not only photos and descriptions when talking about the application: in this case, it will not be superfluous to make a short video. Watching it will be much more interesting than reading a huge canvas of text or looking at screenshots.

First impression, or How not to hit the mud with your face?

One of the important components of the long-term use of the application is the first impression. It is very important not to spoil the ego, because in many ways the future fate of the product depends on it. The first and most important rule is not to be intrusive, not only in advertising, but also in asking to switch to the paid version of the application, if there is one. This can scare away the user.

The interface for a beginner should be clear and convenient, if this is not the case, then at least training should be conducted.

It is also worth considering that no one will wait for the application to launch. If it is too long, the user will shrink it and delete it without thinking.

What should be done so that the application is not forgotten?

60% of applications that are opened only a few times after downloading, will no longer be used in the future. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to use notifications correctly. Push notifications and in-app notifications are the most convenient for this.

Push notifications will be displayed if the user has not used the application for a long time. But first you need to convince the user to subscribe to them and not immediately, as soon as he finds the settings, but when he receives a positive result from his actions. Don't forget to describe the benefits.

In-app will help to keep inside the application and depend entirely and completely on the actions of the user, that is, he will see them only when he performs some action. They may contain useful information, for example, product discounts.

Social networks and other useful methods for popularizing the application and retaining users

One of the effective ways to gain popularity is to allow users to post the content of the application on social networks without leaving it. Be sure to add separate buttons for this. This is how other people will learn about your product.

Do not forget to maintain communication with your audience. Respond to their comments, share positive feedback and be sure to listen to them, so you can understand what exactly they want from you and gain their trust.

But do not forget to update the application, a successful start does not guarantee that the application will not have errors. And updates, in turn, will help users not to feel abandoned and forgotten.

There are many ways to promote your application, in this article the most effective methods were discussed.

Other useful strategies would be the following.

Management and analysis of statistics.

Creation of an official website and pages in popular social networks.

Purchase of advertising.

Analysis of the interests of the target audience.

Reward system

Promoting an application and creating your own audience is a very time-consuming and difficult task, but do not despair if something does not work out, collect information, improve your application and experiment, someday these efforts will pay off.