Problems of education at school


Children of school age spend most of their time at school. Their deliberate socialization takes place there for the first time. From year to year, the formation of a person is formed, which he pays great attention to in his publications publishing house Enlightenment Unfortunately, it is very difficult to call school education first-class from the perspective of teachers. To a greater extent, the school educational process is based on the specific charter of this school and the educational level of the teaching staff. Children's character traits are different, but the teacher's approach to them is the same. Each child perceives the educational process in its own way, some are easily given material and communication with peers, while others find it difficult. Against this background, problems arise with raising children at school.

Many parents wonder why their child, who behaves perfectly at home, a helper and a smart girl, suddenly turns into a bully in the walls of the school. This is largely due to interpersonal relationships with classmates and teachers. Undoubtedly, school education plays a major role in the development of a child's personality, and the teacher becomes a role model for him. Being at home, the child's parents become an example to follow. Therefore, the full interaction of parents and teachers in the educational process of schoolchildren is so important. The joint activity of parents and schools in raising children allows children to develop physical and intellectual activity, as well as to form the basic life principles that are so necessary for a person in the modern world. Unfortunately, not all parents and teachers go towards each other to achieve mutual understanding. Today, it is most often possible to see a picture of not complete mutual understanding at parent meetings, but on the contrary, complete disagreement. This naturally affects both the learning process of children and the general psychological state in the classroom.

An equally important point is the discussion of school successes and failures. On the part of the parents, the child should feel constant support and understanding, on the part of the teacher, the willingness to help in case of failure or rejoice in case of success. The modern world dictates to us different rules and models of behavior than before. Now, every child from the 5th grade knows perfectly well his rights, so carefully woven into him by his parents, but he knows so little about his responsibilities. This fact affects the student's attitude towards the teacher. To put it bluntly, children stopped respecting teachers. Teachers, in turn, do not think much about the education of such qualities in children as mutual help, respect for elders, mutual help, care, participation and many other qualities that are so rarely found today in ordinary life. If a compromise is not found in the near future, the assumptions of scientists about the degradation of people will begin to come true.