What are the symptoms of alcohol addiction in women?


It is quite difficult to defeat female alcoholism, but contrary to the popular opinion about the incurability of the ego, it is possible to cure the ego. It is only necessary to study this disease well, including its symptoms.

Alcoholism in women in which it is required alcoholism treatment manifests itself as follows:

1. If a feast with drinking is foreseen, then the woman is in a state of joyful excitement. Quite often, a lady uses alcohol to relax and unwind after an exhausting day at work.

2. In the absence of a reason to drink, a woman tends to invent an ego on her own. The lady tends to organize feasts more and more often.

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3. An alcoholic is always looking for a reason to justify her condition in front of herself and close people. She is told by severe fatigue, various life disorders in the family circle or at work. The lady can say that she drank to improve her bad mood.

4. A constant increase in the volume of alcohol consumed is necessary for a woman in order to remove the increased anxiety that has appeared, relax well and enjoy the euphoria. Becoming a chronic alcoholic, the patient consumes alcohol in the same amount as a male drinker.

5. The lady keeps her secret passion for the hop potion until the last moment, when it is no longer possible to hide it.

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6. If the disease is not treated, the woman becomes irritable, aggressive, and anxious. She often has emotional breakdowns while sober.

7. As the disease progresses, the lady begins to drink alcohol in the company of dubious "friends". Some ladies prefer to get drunk in proud solitude. Drinking alcoholic beverages with well-known and decent people is no longer an important factor for a drinking woman.

8. A woman in the last stages of alcoholism prefers to drink without snacking, stops asking questions normally. She eats almost nothing during the festive feast and with abstinence syndrome, as she has no appetite.

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9. A drinking woman is unable to take a critical view of her personality. She is rude to people, intersperses her speech with obscene words that she did not allow herself to use before.

If relatives notice several or even one of the symptoms listed above, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. The fact is that female alcoholism is much more dangerous than male alcoholism, so it is necessary to start treating it as early as possible in order to get the expected positive result.