How to lose weight without harm to health


Sooner or later, every girl asks a question - how to lose weight? And if earlier women tried to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, now they increasingly began to think about the consequences of starvation or exhausting diets. Doctors and nutritionists agree that in the process of losing weight, of course, the result in the form of lost kilograms is important, however, at the same time, it is necessary to preserve the health of the whole body and good health.

Very often, after leaving monodiets and returning to the usual way of life and diet, excess weight does not just return, but returns with an excess. That is why the main difficulty that people face is not the weight loss process itself, but maintaining the weight within the norm. In order for the result to remain at the long-awaited mark as long as possible, there are several universal tips.

Stop hurrying

The most important mistake in the process of losing weight is haste. Usually women drive themselves into certain time frames. For example, they will lose weight by the summer, when the last week of May is in the yard, or they will lose five kilograms in 10 days before the new year, and everything in a similar vein. Different methods are used to achieve the goal, but the result remains the same. Even if a woman managed to fit into her favorite dress or adjust her size to the size of a new suit, the result does not last long on the figure. In addition, the body receives severe stress, and muscles and skin lose their elasticity and tone. Remember, the rate of weight loss is 3 kilograms per month! And effective weight loss pills will help to keep it

To drink a lot of water

Very often, the main reason for gaining excess weight is a slow metabolism. It has been scientifically proven that with age, like many processes in the body, the metabolic process undergoes changes that are not for the better. In order not to become a hostage of such an unpleasant situation, you should start drinking water as early as possible. Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

In addition to accelerating metabolism, water also reduces appetite. The fact is that very often our body confuses the feeling of hunger with the feeling of thirst. This happens because the impulses sent by the brain to the body are similar. In 90% of cases, water quenches thirst, and the feeling of hunger passes.

Exercise stress

The rules of healthy weight loss necessarily include physical activity. The process of getting rid of extra pounds will be faster and more effective if you add sports to the right question. With exercises, it is better to work out problem areas where the weight stays the longest, such as the waist, hips, and arms.

In order to lose weight, you need to eat.

In other words, under no circumstances should you starve. Fasting reduces weight only temporarily, and when it comes out, the body gains even more kilograms. This happens for several reasons. First, when the body stops receiving the necessary amount of food, it receives a signal about a threat to life, and in order to last until the next habitual (according to the body's standards) meal, our body turns on the economy mode. All processes in the body slow down, including metabolism, which affects weight loss. When coming out of starvation, the body receives the usual amount of food, but the metabolism remains slowed down. At the same time, all unprocessed energy accumulates in fat deposits.

In addition, during starvation, the body primarily uses muscles as a source of energy, and only then - fat. This is due to the fact that the largest number of calories are spent on ensuring muscle work, and fat deposits are less capricious. That is why very often a situation occurs when the number of kilograms has reached its previous level, but the body volume increases noticeably.