New Year's gifts for children

In each family, it is customary to celebrate the New Year holiday in different ways. In Russia, in pre-revolutionary times, New Year's gifts were brought to children by Saint Nicholas. After the revolution of 1917, religion was banned, and a new fairy-tale character appeared - Santa Claus. The children waited for gifts from Santa Claus, as well as from Saint Nicholas, throughout the year. A New Year's gift to a child brought by one or another fairy-tale character or "religious" person is not at all the same as shopping in a store. Belief in a miracle instills in the child faith in his own strength and successful advancement along the path of life in the future. Do not leave the child of this joy! The question is not in the price, but in the performance of a miracle, when in the morning the baby finds a long-awaited gift under the pillow or Christmas tree. In Scandinavian countries, New Year's gifts for babies are hidden in knitted shoes.

Even if your baby is very small and it seems that the holiday will pass by him, it is necessary to create an unusual and fabulous atmosphere on your own. New Year's Eve gifts 2019 is also a must for a small child! You can buy a baby swing that will become your baby's favorite place to rest. In addition, such a purchase guarantees you peaceful walks on the playgrounds, where a whole line is lined up on the swing.

In preschool and junior school age, a person formulates a belief in a miracle, which is an adaptation mechanism of the psyche. If the child receives a gift that he dreamed of, then the feeling of a miracle occurs and is delayed in the person's subconscious. By the time a child stops believing in the existence of Santa Claus, a subconscious sense of wonder has already formed. This mechanism throughout life helps a person to survive difficult and critical life situations. Following faith in a miracle, other protective functions of the body are included, without which it will be very difficult for a person to experience mental stress.

The second important factor about the benefit of receiving New Year's gifts is that the child's self-esteem does not suffer. After all, your baby will communicate with his peers on the playground, in kindergarten or at school. Friends received New Year's gifts from a fairy-tale character, but your child did not. The child is upset that Santa Claus, Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas ignored him with their attention or, even worse, considers him unworthy.

New Year's gifts for children are also an important educational factor. Taking into account the fact that fairy-tale characters bring gifts only to obedient children, the baby will behave properly, learn well and develop comprehensively. And if you also write a letter of encouragement to St. Nicholas asking him to prepare a more worthy gift, which the child deserves, then you will not recognize your child. He will strive only for bright achievements throughout the year.

By the way, you don't lose anything when you buy gifts for the New Year. Sooner or later, this item will still be bought, so it is better to buy it for a holiday and provide the child with a miracle.

Imagine how many positive emotions children get while waiting and preparing for the holiday, receiving and looking at gifts. The joy of anticipation and pleasant excitement with the culmination of a miracle harden the child's psyche and increase his importance in this world in his own eyes.

And writing to Santa Claus will probably be the first work of your child, and at 4-5 he will already be sitting at the desk!