Are the ends split? We eliminate the main enemy of all hair!

23.02.2019/13/35 XNUMX:XNUMX    33

The biggest problem of every girl trying to grow long and healthy hair is split ends

Split ends affect almost every one of us, regardless of hair type, length or health. It's just that the ends treacherously split and spoil not only the appearance, but also many, many nerves. But today, you and I will try to find a weapon against this enemy and eliminate it!

Pochemu sekutsya volosy: the main reasons

The most important and primary reason is improper care combined with a lack of vitamins in the body. Until this cause is eliminated, nothing will help you hair oil. Also, frequent use of thermal devices: hair dryers and curling irons is the cause of cuts. Low-quality combs, even those used on wet hair, injure the hair no less. In tandem, this leads to severe hair damage and further hair loss.
What to do so that the hair does not fall out?

  1. Choose the right care. If the hair is very flaky and broken, most likely it is very dry and needs to be restored. Buy a professional moisturizing or restoring line for hair. It is important that the products are of the same brand and line, as this will give the best result.
  2. Style your hair correctly. Immediately after washing, do not rub your hair against the towel, but just lightly wet it. In no case do not comb them when they are wet, as at this moment the hairs are most susceptible to damage.
  3. Apply protective non-rinse products. Before drying, be sure to apply a heat-protective spray or serum to the entire length of the hair, and gel with silicones to the tips. In this case, you should not be afraid of silicones, after all hair gels create a protective film on the tips and temporarily glue the layered areas.
  4. Reduce the use of thermal devices. Of course, with proper hair care, you should not give up on them, because no one has canceled a beautiful hairstyle. But if possible, still refuse to use them.