How to lighten the seams on the tiles in the bathroom in just five minutes

28.04.2024/13/40 XNUMX:XNUMX    431

Many housewives face the problem of dirt on the seams between the tiles.

It is not always possible to clean them easily without special expenses.

However, there is one effective remedy - a solution of white vinegar and hot water. Its advantage is that it is inexpensive, accessible and effective.

So that dirty seams no longer spoil the appearance of the room, combine water and white vinegar. After that, apply to problem areas and leave for 5 minutes. Then all you have to do is wipe the place with a cloth and enjoy the result.

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In the absence of vinegar, you can use ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

Soda also works well in the fight against pollution. Apply a paste of soda and water, rub well with a brush and enjoy the cleanliness. The tool will give the seams their original appearance.

Some housewives use toothpaste. She is also able to solve the problem in two seconds.

Now you know how to make the seams on the tile lighter.

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