Delay old age for tens of years: how to make makeup with a rejuvenating effect

26.04.2024/18/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    385

In an effort to preserve youth and attractiveness, people are ready to resort to many methods. The cosmetic industry understands this perfectly and offers a variety of products and procedures. 48-year-old Megan Anderson, an expert in cosmetics and menopause, shared a unique make-up method that instantly gives a youthful look in her TikTok video.

However, there is no need for extreme measures such as Botox injections or spending huge sums on creams and serums to look attractive.

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With age, the skin undergoes changes: wrinkles, age spots, loss of facial elasticity - these are all natural processes.

However, aging does not necessarily mean the end of youth. In order to look fresh and younger, it is not necessary to turn to professionals. It is enough to use high-quality decorative cosmetics suitable for your skin type and facial tone.

Make-up method for rejuvenation

Anderson begins by contouring above the cheekbones to give the face a lifted look. She also contours the forehead, side walls of the nose and chin, carefully shading it.

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Then she adds a bit of highlighter in the corners of her eyes, between her eyebrows, on the bridge of her nose, on her chin, and on her cheeks, after which she applies blush.

Finish the make-up by evenly applying foundation and gently blending it with a sponge to maintain the integrity of the contour.

This make-up method does not require much effort, but it gives the face a toned, natural glow and freshness, making it look about 10 years younger.

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