Scientists have named products that slow down the aging of the brain by four years

28.04.2024/11/08 XNUMX:XNUMX    669

A new study shows that people whose diet is full of vegetables, fruits and berries have a 20% lower risk of cognitive decline.

It's all about flavonoids, natural compounds found in plants. They are considered powerful antioxidants. Scientists note that flavones and anthocyanins can have the greatest protective effect.

49,5 women (average age 48) and 27,8 men (average age 51) took part in the study. During 20 years of observation, people filled out questionnaires several times, in which they indicated the frequency of use of various products. Participants' cognitive abilities were assessed twice.

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The group with the highest amount of flavonoids consumed an average of 600 milligrams (mg) daily. After adjusting for factors such as age and total caloric intake, it was found that people who consumed more flavonoids had a lower risk of cognitive decline compared to those who did not consume flavonoids.

The researchers also studied individual flavonoids. Flavones, found in certain spices and yellow or orange fruits and vegetables, had the strongest protective qualities and were associated with a 38% reduction in the risk of cognitive decline, the equivalent of 3-4 years.