Cancer waves and destruction of vitamins? Myths about the microwave oven

26.04.2024/11/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    216

Probably everyone has heard something about the harm of microwave ovens. However, they are in almost every home. Let's figure out whether you should be afraid of microwaves.

About a year ago, there was a huge number of publications on the topic of banning microwaves in Japan. The news was an ordinary fake, but it received a tremendous response. This is due to the fact that the fear of microwaves is a very common phenomenon and has existed for a long time, overgrown with new overgrown details.

Some believe that microwave ovens increase the risk of developing cancer, in particular, they are considered the culprits of brain tumors. Others that it kills all the nutrients. A popular myth is that the microwave oven somehow changes the structure of food molecules, making it harmful and carcinogenic.

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However, in practice this has nothing to do with reality. The American Cancer Society (ACS) explains that microwaves are at the very end of the radiation scale. So if you shun microwaves, why don't you shun tanning beds and cell phones?

There is no study that confirms the risk of developing cancer when using microwave ovens. And if you think that enough time has not yet passed to measure the effect, then we remind you that the first microwave appeared more than 70 years ago. Unlike a number of other "inventions", such as cigarettes, the appearance of microwaves did not cause a surge in cancer cases.

As for nutrients, there is no cause for concern here either. And the WHO confirms this: when cooking food using a microwave, approximately the same level of nutrients is preserved as when cooking on the stove or in the oven.

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That is, the scientific facts available today indicate that the microwave does not pose a danger, but only makes life easier.