The occupiers are increasing the production of BMP: truth or myth

20.04.2024/07/03 XNUMX:XNUMX    251

The occupiers are rebuilding and building up their potential in combat power. Experts said that Russian propagandists claim the significant potential of the Russian military industry in the restoration of mothballed BMPs and the production of new ones.

And although Defense Express analysts do not support this theory, because Russia has significant losses at the front, the occupiers will still try to increase their potential.

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Russian experts claim that they have a rate of production of new military equipment of the order of "50-60 machines per month" at Kurganmashzavode, the only manufacturer of such equipment in Russia.

But propaganda is bad at math, because even at the time of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the stock of equipment was smaller than according to their data for the last two years.

That is, in just one year, the Russian Federation can apparently receive from 600 new BMP-3, but such a quantity of equipment is not observed in the war.

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Fortunately, the Kurganmashzavod plant can fall into the radius of flooding due to the breach of a dam in Russia on the border with Kazakhstan, in particular the city of Kurgan.