A side dish of millet will be successful if it is prepared correctly

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Millet porridge does not require special skills for delicious preparation, but certain culinary points should be known. This will help make the side dish even better. And one of the important points is the preliminary preparation of groats for cooking.

Pour boiling water over the millet

Yes, this is an important point for preparing the side dish. Even if you later make millet with milk. Not everyone knows, but millet tends to become somewhat bitter after cooking. Save yourself from such risks. To do this, pour boiling water over the groats and leave for 30 minutes. You can also rinse the millet under running water several times. And then cook the side dish in the usual way.

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If you have time before dinner is served but are too busy to hang out in the rinse water, soak. Collect water, pour millet and leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the water, collect clean water and put it to boil.

Such preliminary preparation will help make millet porridge really tasty and soft. The whole secret is revealed in washing or soaking. You just need to know about it. Bon appetit!

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