The expert named the category of the most dangerous drivers in Ukraine

26.04.2024/13/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    1341

Such persons get into road accidents much more often than others. Unbridled aggression and mental state lead to problems on the road. Driving a car in inadequate condition often ends in conflicts with other road users.

In an interview with the portal, doctor-psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Yevhen Moroz explained how the behavior on the road depends on the mental state of the driver.

"If a person is prone to aggression and is in an excited state, his driving style will be more abrupt, and he himself will not always be able to correctly assess the road situation. As a result, driving a car becomes sloppy, dangerous, and the driver begins to enter into conflicts with other road users."

- specified the expert.

signal nerves

For persons prone to aggression or those who are under stress, the specialist recommended to switch their attention to something else and wait to "cool down". For this, you can perform breathing exercises. According to Moroz, it is best to give yourself 15 minutes. Disregarding this rule prevents the driver from soberly assessing the situation.

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Earlier, the doctor named substances that are dangerous to take while driving. They are part of the tablets and increase the risk of road accidents. Drivers often do not realize that they are using components with unpredictable side effects, which can cause them to lose their driving license.

According to the specialist, Ukrainians should understand that drugs of different groups can cause side effects. All of them are widely used in clinical practice.

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Sedatives, analgesics, and even some antihistamines can cause drowsiness, slowed reactions, and impaired attention. A number of drugs used in the treatment of cardiac pathology, in rare cases, can also cause drowsiness: propranolol, metoprolol, verapamil, etc.

The body's reaction to taking such drugs may vary. If there are even minor signs of impaired concentration and drowsiness, the specialist advised to postpone driving the vehicle. It is also necessary to study the instructions and consult a doctor.

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According to the doctor, in the event of an accident, the driver may be held responsible for taking such drugs. This is especially true in cases where the instructions contain a direct recommendation to refrain from driving the vehicle.