There are 10 effective methods for relieving headaches

27.04.2024/15/23 XNUMX:XNUMX    427

A headache can dbybryenb suddenly and destroy all plans. You can take a pill, but it's not the only way.

You can get rid of a headache without medication. There are as many as ten effective and safe methods for this.

Previously, we told how to easily relieve lower back pain using the method of a Japanese doctor.

Healthy sleep

One of the most common causes of headaches is overtiredness and lack of sleep. In this case, the most effective way to get rid of pain is to sleep. During sleep, it is advisable to open the room or pre-ventilate the room in order to improve cerebral blood circulation.

Self massage

Massage is also an effective way to deal with headaches. It should start from the forehead and move towards the back of the head, after which move to the ears and neck. Aromatherapy The aroma of lavender relaxes well and relieves headaches - it can be fresh flowers or dried flowers, as well as essential oil. In addition to lavender oil, mint is also effective against headaches. her can be rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes or heated in an aroma lamp.

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Fresh air

Fresh air is great for fighting headaches. Therefore, you can simply open the windows wider, sit on the balcony or porch. And even better - take a walk.

Warm bath

Warm water perfectly relieves spasms and tension. Add lemon juice, sea salt, lavender, mint or marjoram essential oil to the bath — and the effect of water procedures will be even better.

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Cold compress

You can also fight a headache with the "cold method". A cold compress will help narrow blood vessels, thereby reducing pain. Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and hold it on the sides of your head and neck for 10-15 minutes.

Non-carbonated water

The cause of headache may be insufficient amount of fluid in the body. In this case, a glass of still water will help relieve pain.

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Hot food

Irregular nutrition can lead to headaches because it affects the level of glucose in the blood. У in this case, you need to eat something hot - for example, porridge or soup.

"Quiet Hour"

Sometimes a little silence is enough to get rid of the pain. Arrange a "quiet hour" for yourself - lie down for 10-15 minutes in complete silence, making sure to close your eyes.


Gentle and quiet music will also help to reduce the headache. Make yourself more comfortable and listen to it for 15-20 minutes - this should be enough to reduce the pain.