Summer residents told how to grow forest mushrooms on the plot

27.04.2024/08/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    382

Wild mushrooms are a source of many beneficial nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins (especially B vitamins), minerals (eg iron, calcium, magnesium) and antioxidants. Some studies have shown that the consumption of forest mushrooms can help increase immunity and reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Some types of mushrooms, such as champignons, have properties that help lower cholesterol and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Growing real wild mushrooms in the country can be a difficult task, but it is possible with the help of specialized techniques. Find a place on the plot where the mushrooms will have enough light, but will not be exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. Some mushrooms, such as porcini mushrooms or champignons, grow better in partial shade.

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Summer residents told how to grow forest mushrooms on the plot

Many mushrooms grow in moist and fertile soil. You can add compost or humus to the soil to increase its fertility. Use special mycelial blocks or mushroom mycelia - these are specially treated blocks or substrates that contain mushroom mycelia. You can plant these blocks directly in the soil or in specially prepared holes. For some mushrooms, such as champignons or wild mushrooms, special substrates can be used.

Mushrooms need moisture to grow, but they also need adequate ventilation to prevent the development of fungal diseases. Water the mushrooms regularly and make sure that air can circulate around them. Monitor mushroom growth regularly and remove any fruiting bodies that show signs of disease or decay. Provide regular soil maintenance to ensure that it remains fertile and healthy for mushroom growth.

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It is important to remember that growing mushrooms can be difficult and require some experience and knowledge. Some types of mushrooms can be sensitive to environmental conditions, so it is important to prepare well for this process.