These few tips will make the lipstick last longer

28.04.2024/20/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    328

Nothing ruins an image as much as smudged lipstick. In order for it to last on the lips all day, it is enough to know a few secrets.

Study the composition

The composition of cosmetics is of great importance. For example, too liquid or waxy lipstick will quickly wear off. In addition, they can spread along the wrinkles around the lips, which also does not look in the best way. Lip varnishes can be a way out of the situation. They are usually denser in structure and have more pigment, so they will last much longer on the lips.

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Use a pencil

First you need to make a contour, then shade the lips with a pencil, and only after that apply lipstick. The pencil will create the necessary barrier and prevent the lipstick from spreading along the line around the mouth, and will also make the color more saturated.

Paper handkerchiefs

After applying the lipstick, blot the lips with a tissue and paint them again. Our grandmothers still used this technique, but over time it did not become less effective. Another way to increase the life of lipstick on the lips is to apply a little powder with a brush on the first layer of lipstick through a tissue. On top, you can either paint your lips again with the same lipstick, or apply gloss.


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So that the lipstick does not clog into wrinkles and cracks along the contour of the lips, powder the area around the mouth with powder before applying it. In this way, you will close the gaps and the lipstick will lie more evenly.


There is nothing worse when lipstick is applied to dry and weathered lips. Use a lip scrub to exfoliate and a balm to soften the skin.

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Make-up artists advise applying lipstick with a brush, then it will lie in a more even and thin layer. Another advantage of this method of application is the ability to draw an even contour after the pencil.