A black labrador-policeman from Minnesota knows how to find lost flash drives and mobile phones

27.04.2024/00/50 XNUMX:XNUMX    540

The Minnesota State Police has an employee who will be able to solve the main problem of all businessmen, students and just distracted people. Now the loss of a flash drive and a smartphone will not cost city residents nerves, because a specially trained dog will find everything for them.

What happened

A black labrador nicknamed Sota became the first service dog in his state that knows how to find phones and various devices such as SD cards and USB flash drives. Now criminals who decide to get rid of mobile gadgets or means of storing information will find themselves in the field of view of this dog. It is possible that in his free time from chasing criminal authorities, the dog will also help people who have lost their gadgets and cannot find them.

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Today, there are few dogs with such abilities. Only some dogs can boast of the ability to smell triphenylphosphine oxide, a substance that is mainly used to cover memory cards. In America, about thirty dogs are involved in this field, although this is not the most unique ability.

However, the police already recognize that Sota's Labrador will be an indispensable assistant in their future joint work. Finding flash drives in the grass or in the criminal's apartment is difficult for people, especially if they are carefully hidden, and more often it is a coincidence than the result of a meaningful search. It will be much easier for a dog to perform such a task, which means that finding flash drives as evidence in a Minnesota police station will become commonplace.

A little background

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By the way, the tests of Sota began back in May 2020. And in just five months, the dog has already taken part in solving ten crimes. Some of them related to financial matters, and the most serious - murders. Moreover, every time Soti found a place in the work process. She was able to find 21 devices, one of which was particularly difficult to detect. It turned out to be a cell phone from the scene of the murder.

So far, Sota's success suggests that other representatives of her species will be able to help in the investigation of crimes. True, how quickly black Labradors or other dogs with a similar ability will become our faithful friends in detecting flash drives with the final editing of a diploma or an important report on which you worked all night, it is difficult to say.

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Therefore, now we have to rely only on ourselves. For example, use mainly cloud services, make copies of documents, create a special place for flash drives, as well as get a pocket for the phone, from which it will not fall out or get lost. Since Sota from Minnesota is unlikely to come to help in the search.