It will be like models: top 5 exercises that will help reduce waist size

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After the age of 40, the body begins to lose muscle mass and gain fat, which is often accompanied by swelling in the abdomen. This process is accelerated during periods of hormonal changes, especially during perimenopause. Vogue Italia writes about it.

However, a healthy diet and physical activity can help manage these problems. Former ballerina and barre instructor Natalie Errandonea shares some effective exercises.

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Raising the knee to the chest

Stand straight, hands on hips, legs extended. Lift one leg, bringing the knee to the chest while keeping the other leg still. Keep your stomach tight during the exercise.

Repeat 50 times for each leg.

Side slopes

Spread your legs, toes pointed in different directions, arms extended to the side at a right angle to the body. Bend to the side, raising the arm on the opposite side of the body parallel to it. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

Do 15 repetitions on each side.

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Twisting the body

Sit with your legs bent and your torso bent 45 degrees to the floor. Fold your arms in front of your chest and turn your torso to the side, trying to keep your pelvis still.

Repeat 30 times on each side.


Assume a high bar position, hands at shoulder level. Alternately raise the knee to the chest and return the leg to the starting position.

Repeat 20 times for each leg.

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Low bar with hip rotation

Get into a low plank position, resting on your forearms. Rotate your hips to the side, keeping your shoulders straight and your abs tight.

Repeat 20 times on each side.