5 foods that kill your libido

24.04.2024/16/31 XNUMX:XNUMX    1298

Have you noticed a loss of interest in intimate pleasures? It is quite possible that the reason for this is the wrong choice of food products.

Alcohol. Although most people believe that alcohol helps them have sex, in the long run it can have a negative effect on sex drive. Drinking too much alcohol causes erectile dysfunction. Alcohol also reduces testosterone production.

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Fried food. It is harmful to both health and libido. Trans fats found in fried foods can increase abnormal sperm production in men and cause infertility or infertility in women.

Kava. This popular drink gives you extra energy, but caffeine can also have a negative effect on your sex life. Increased worry and anxiety lead to a decrease in libido and even affect the general state of health.

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Canned food. When it comes to health, eating canned foods is a bad idea. They contain BPA, a chemical that has been linked to health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Many canned foods are high in sodium, which can reduce blood flow to sex-important body parts.

Processed products. They deprive the body of the main ingredients necessary for sexual health. Eating a lot of processed foods without enough protein and fat can lead to a variety of problems, including erectile dysfunction. If you want to lead a healthy sex life, you need to follow a healthy diet.

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