10 Highly Processed Foods to Avoid

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Food addiction is not a myth. It's scientifically proven to be real, and some people are (unfortunately) more prone to it than others, due to their genes and the way their brains are wired, according to modern research.

Researchers have found that processed foods that are high in fat and can raise blood sugar (for example, foods with a high glycemic load, such as marmalade, chocolate bars, and cornflakes) are really quickly addictive. eating behavior.

According to Nicole Avena, a food addiction researcher at Mount Sinai Morningside, you should avoid them if they're really causing you problems.

Here are 10 addictive foods:

  • Pizza—the more processed and cheesy it is, the more addictive it is.
  • Chocolate – When it comes to this favorite treat, the darker the better. Sweeter varieties contain more fat and sugar than dark varieties, so if you can't give up chocolate, switch to bars that contain at least 70 percent cocoa.
  • Cookies Better to avoid store-bought cookies, as they are likely to contain addictive ingredients.
  • Potato Chips - Potato chips, unfortunately, contain a lot of salt, and they also don't fill you up, so you can munch on them for hours without noticing how many packets you've swallowed.
  • Ice cream - if you can't take anything with you, buy one serving at a time.
  • Cake is one of the most difficult products to give up. It is important to limit your influence on him and learn to say "no" when you are offered a piece.
  • French Fries - Like chips, French fries are horribly addictive - they're one of the best snacks on the planet.
  • Make-your-own cheeseburgers are better than anything you can get outside the kitchen.
  • Breakfast Cereals – Now these processed foods are among the ones that are criminally high in added sugar.
  • Fried chicken - no, it's not unhealthy chicken; it's a crunchy, greasy, and sometimes salty breading that's addictive.
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