10 wise tips to make your relationship strong

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Don't sacrifice your personal life

Not in the sense that "keep running on dates without having a stable partner" - this kind of freedom is difficult to combine with serious intentions. You may fall for each other with genuine passion, but that doesn't mean the rest of your life should dissolve into unconditional adoration. Don't forget your friends and loved ones, don't give up evening yoga, Saturday spa sessions and Sunday breakfasts with your sister. Take care of your independence, don't get into the habit of apologizing and reporting - after losing your single status, you can still do whatever you want and whenever you want. It invigorates, supports self-esteem and saves relationships from routine and boredom.

Be honest with your feelings

Tell yourself the truth and only the truth: are you really happy? Satisfied? Physically, emotionally, morally? Yes, it is not easy - female nature is prone to sacrificial compromises, but these three points are crucial. If you are connected only by dizzying intimacy, sooner or later the problem of "how to talk?" will arise. If you entertain each other with a game of words, but at the same time intimacy slips on the "three" - the forecast is also unfavorable. Are you satisfied with both the mind and physiology, but he avoids talking about love and has never given flowers? It's obvious that you won't be satisfied with it soon either. The secret of strong reciprocity is a strong and natural connection on all points; therefore, make sure that everything is like that in your relationship, or at least it is getting there. With other schedules, consider ways to retreat.

Do not get carried away by jealousy

Oh, it's the eternal female question: "Where are you?", which pierces men like a voodoo conjurer's needle. If you bombard him with messages 24/7, call him a hundred times a day, and in general the whole world revolves only around him, it's time to admit that your feelings are mutating into addiction. Persecution stifles men. This approach will not help to retain anyone, acting exactly the opposite. Be more confident in yourself, don't worry, he won't go anywhere. And even if you got such an ardent handsome man that it is difficult not to worry about this topic, convince yourself that you will be fine in any case. Turn off tracking. Once for all. Remember that you are also fire. Let him chase you, it's much more interesting.

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Love yourself and take care of yourself

Many women complain that they cannot find a suitable partner, they always attract those who treat them wrong. The reason is low self-esteem: we attract the level of love we feel for ourselves. It is impossible to burn yourself with napalm of self-criticism every day and expect others to treat you like a queen. Believe me, men will easily read it.

Look at your qualities from a positive point of view and start loving yourself the way you are, right now. And if you love yourself, then you take care of yourself - take care of your health, go to bed on time, treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath or maybe a spontaneous party tonight. It is very important to pamper yourself by nourishing your soul outside of the relationship, otherwise nothing will be returned to you.

Do not seek to please and adapt

The desire to please is based on the expectation of positive feedback: love, kindness, gratitude. However, the world is unnecessarily generous with negativity, and people will be happy to use you. Relationships are a two-way street: indulge yourself, but make sure you are indulged. Strive for a healthy balance of self-sacrifice and selfishness. And, please, do not be afraid of loneliness, agreeing to the options from the "let it be" series - this approach does not bring happiness.

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Don't avoid problems

Nobody likes conflict. That is, there are probably people who are entertained by quarrels, but, judging by everything, they are in the minority. But what happens if partners, not wanting to clarify the relationship, constantly turn on the avoidance mode? Nothing good. If you avoid problems for years, they will accumulate, and one day you will wake up 25 years later and realize that you will never be able to understand them, because you have long forgotten what started this huge pile. Do not suppress negative (or positive) emotions. Talk to your partner about any problems that are bothering you. First of all, you are a team, which means that you must overcome adversity together. And secondly, you always deserve respect and the right to express yourself.

Make time for each other

Yes, you have your own life, but on the other hand, it is necessary to find a balance between private and public, otherwise the relationship can wither at the most promising stage. Your relationship needs care and attention, recognition and walks, surprises and gifts, romantic dates and cozy evenings at home. Be creative, don't spare energy to feed your feelings.

Make an equal effort

There is an opinion that relationships require a return of 50 to 50. What nonsense, only 100 to 100! Both partners must make 100% effort every day to maintain the relationship at the right level and dynamics. It is difficult to expect a "100 to 20", "100 to 50" or "100 to 99" connection from harmony. You must be equal. If your union is unbalanced, you need to talk about it to get back on track.

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Do not skimp on empathy and gratitude

As a team, you can't go against each other. So, you cannot take into account only your own point of view. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. If your partner sees the situation differently, try to understand and, most importantly, let him know that you respect his point of view. What else? Be a good listener and don't be shy about being grateful. Even if he just loaded the dishwasher, tell him "thank you". Thank him for what he does for you, and he will want to do it again to make you happy. And, of course, will be grateful in return.

Don't try to change it

It's no secret that many women believe that they can change the man with whom they decided to connect their lives. "If I make him lose 10 kg, he will be much more attractive", or "If I can wean him off video games, I will be happy", or "Once we get married, he will change for the better" - all these internal insinuations have no relation to real love and long-term happiness. If you don't like the way he looks, talks, or kisses right now, without thinking of any miraculous changes, you shouldn't be with him. Point. Release yourself from imaginary duties - leave someone who will be happy with the original.
