How to make baking incredibly soft and "lush"

29.03.2024/07/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    299

Any gourmet wants self-made pies to always turn out lush, soft and tender. It is desirable that other varieties of pastries differ in the same characteristics. For example, pies and homemade bread. But how to achieve such a result? Many cooks experiment with the ratio of ingredients for the dough, with the temperature in the oven and with the duration of the preparation of the dish.

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However, experienced cooks emphasize: it is better not to take risks, but to use a proven life hack. It is about adding a secret ingredient to the dough.

What will make the pastry lush

Add some potato starch diluted with water to the flour base. It is this component that will ensure the splendor of the future dish.

Moreover, the effect will last several hours and even a day after baking.

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Another important ingredient

If the cook wants the pastry not only to remain lush, but also not stale, then semolina will come to the rescue. So you will be able to enjoy a soft dish for a long time and the homemade bread and pies will definitely not dry out the next day. However, you should not add semolina to some types of dough. This includes cookies, dumplings and eclairs.

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