How to sow carrots so that later it does not have to be thinned and dug up

28.03.2024/09/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    680

So that in the future you do not have the need to spend a lot of time thinning carrots, it is important to sow them correctly from the very beginning. Let's talk about the nuances.

Carrots are one of the most popular and common vegetables in Ukrainian gardens. Such popularity is due to the special taste of the culture, which always successfully emphasizes any dish. Growing carrots in your own garden requires certain knowledge. But if you want to make the process of growing carrots easier for yourself, you need to know how to sow them in such a way that in the future you don't have to dig them up.

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Do you need to break through the carrots?

The absence of the need to tear through carrots effectively saves your time, energy and health. Standing in the garden, leaning over the carrot bed is an activity that hardly anyone will like. In order to save yourself the need to spend your free time in this way, you need to think in advance how you will sow vegetables. It will help you a lot in the future.

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Experts told whether it is possible to sow carrots in such a way that later it does not have to be thinned and dug up

According to experts, you can use ordinary river sand for such purposes. Carrot seeds are quite small, and therefore, if you pour them directly from the bag, you will sow carrots unevenly - somewhere more will sprout, and somewhere there will be much fewer seedlings. In order to do everything properly - evenly - you need to mix carrot seed with dry sand.

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Experts told whether it is possible to sow carrots in such a way that later it does not have to be thinned and dug up

Yes, you will need half a bucket of dry river sand, which must be mixed with several tablespoons of carrot seeds. After that, you need to mix the resulting mixture well so that the seed material is evenly distributed, and then - sow everything in the holes prepared in advance.