How to plant a rose from a cutting in open ground

29.03.2024/06/20 XNUMX:XNUMX    511

The rose is the queen of flowers. No matter how many of them grow in the flower bed, you always want to plant some new bush. And then admire the flower. In order to wait for the blossom, you need to know how to plant a rose correctly. Try to grow a flower from a cutting.

Take a rose sprig and cut it on both sides, preferably using the lower or middle part of the shoot. Note that the shoot has 7 branches between the leaf and the stem. Plant the cutting in the ground and cover it with a jar.

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It is possible in another way. Cut the twig on both sides at a sharp angle where the buds will be between the stem and the leaf. Plant it in the soil, but with the buds very close to the ground. Pour well and cover with a jar. Cuttings from a young branch always take root better.