In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)

28.03.2024/09/40 XNUMX:XNUMX    866

22 culturally significant artifacts lost during World War II have returned to Okinawa, Japan, thanks to the cooperation of a Massachusetts family and the FBI.

Artifacts including painted scrolls, a map of Okinawa, pottery and other items were discovered in the attic of a World War II veteran's home. His family, realizing the value of the find, immediately reported it to the authorities, ArcheologyMag writes.

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An FBI investigation found that six scrolls from the 18th and 19th centuries were listed in the National Register of Stolen Art. They were kidnapped in the last days of the war.

In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)
In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)
In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)
In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)
In the USA, a family accidentally found a hidden treasure in the attic (photo)

The value of these artifacts goes far beyond their monetary value.

"The cultural identity of a nation is really summed up in artifacts and history," said FBI Special Agent Jeffrey Kelly.

"This is what creates culture. And without that, you're taking away their history," he added.

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The artifacts were returned to Okinawa through a joint effort by the FBI, the Department of Defense, the Smithsonian Institution, and the US Army.

Okinawa Prefectural Governor Danny Tamaki expressed his gratitude for the cooperation, and FBI Special Agent Jody Cohen praised the role of the family who gave up the artifacts.