The remains of ten sunken ships of different periods were found in Greece

16.03.2024/05/21 XNUMX:XNUMX    2104
The remains of ten sunken ships of different periods were found in Greece


Ten ancient ships have been found near the island of Kasos in Greece

A team of divers working at a depth of 20 to 47 meters discovered ten sunken ships carrying cargo from Africa, Asia Minor, Italy and Spain.

During the survey of the sea area around the Greek island of Kasos, a group of scientists discovered ten sunken ships and other important ancient artifacts. This is reported by Arkeonews.

During the archaeological research that began in 2019, a team of divers and scientists from the National Hellenic Research Foundation surveyed the bottom of the Carpathian Sea, which washes the island.

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At a depth of 20 to 47 meters, they discovered a number of unique finds, including:

    • a Spanish Dressel 20 amphora with handle seal, dated 150-170 AD;


    • drinking vessels;


    • terra sigillata flasks belonging to the Roman period of African origin;


    • stone anchor of the archaic period.


At the same time, mapping and bathymetry of the Kasos-Karpatos reef and the Karpatholimnion area were carried out for the first time using side-scan sonar.

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Thanks to this, scientists found the remains of a wooden boat with metal elements, approximately 25-30 meters long, which was probably wrecked during the Second World War.

In total, the researchers found ten sunken ships carrying goods from Africa, Asia Minor, Italy and Spain.

Also, during the research, finds dating back to the prehistoric period (3000 BC), the classical period (460 BC), the Hellenistic period (100 BC - 100 BC) were discovered. . AD), the Roman period (200 BC - 300 AD), the Byzantine period (800 - 900 AD), as well as finds from the medieval and Ottoman periods.

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It is noted that during the study, scientists took more than 20 underwater images.