A shy dog ​​came up with a simple but cute way to ask to be scratched

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And this good boy named Homer, who got into a family from a shelter, proves it once again!

He is very shy, but still he has found a way that helps him show when he wants to be scratched.

Francesca Negreanu has always loved animals very much, and animals lived with her for most of her life. Although Francesca has had dogs before, she has never adopted a dog from a shelter

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She always wanted to save at least one unfortunate soul, however, the 26-year-old wanted to wait until she felt ready to do so.

When the financial side of the issue was resolved, and the career was built, Francesca realized that the moment had come and began to look for a dog in a local shelter in Portland, Oregon.

Soon enough, she and her boyfriend met Homer, who they liked so much that they decided to adopt him.

Homer is a timid boy. Most often, he does not even look a person in the eye. But if he knows he won't be harmed, Homer asks to be scratched. In its own way, in a special way.

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Here's how Homer asks to be scratched:

“I definitely consider myself a dog person,” she said. "Dogs have the most incredible souls and personalities, and they are all so unique and wonderful. Having a dog in my life only adds to my joy," said Francesca.