Why onions interfere with potatoes when stored together

28.03.2024/23/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    346

Onions and potatoes belong to root crops. And this does not mean that they should be stored together. At first glance, they fit in the same box, but there is a moment of negative influence. Because of this, you risk being left without a preserved stock of root crops.

Why should it be kept separately?

Let us describe the possible situation in detail. You have a box with potatoes, next to which you have spread onions. There was no other place or container, they just poured it out - no difference. If at least one potato spoils, then the bright onion smell will disappear. From this point of view, they should not be placed together or next to each other.

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There is one more critical point to which attention should be paid. Onions also have a negative effect on potatoes. As a result, it becomes soft and loses its appetizing properties in cooked dishes. By the way, onions stimulate potatoes to germinate and spoil faster.

Keep your supplies separate. So you can extend their shelf life without changing their taste properties. All this has been tested by the experience of many people, so do not endanger the purchased potatoes and onions.

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