3 useful habits that will help you be on time more

26.03.2024/02/32 XNUMX:XNUMX    690

Time management is a great helper when it comes to improving health, productivity or personal growth. Three simple habits will help you manage your time correctly.

1. Make a checklist for the most important periods of the day

A checklist saves a lot of time because it helps to keep everything under control. When writing such a letter, pay special attention to the morning and evening - periods that determine the current and next day.

It's easy to waste time checking email and social media right after waking up. Therefore, include in the checklist even obvious things: brush your teeth, have breakfast, plan your day. Write down the 3-5 things you need to do first, no matter what.

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2. Determine the desired result before starting work

Whatever you are working on, you need to know why you are doing it. A specific goal will allow you to clearly formulate events to achieve it, without wasting time on secondary things. The desired result, even if approximate, is a great motivation for work.

3. Get rid of everything unnecessary

You have probably noticed that some people seem to drain your energy, and some objects, smells and sounds, on the contrary, have a positive effect on your condition and work. Therefore, it is important to listen to yourself.

If something or someone is draining you, get rid of it.

For example, don't waste precious time listening to the complaints of toxic people and recovering your mental balance afterwards. It is better to spend this time with benefit for yourself and your business.

Also, get rid of everything that brings imaginary pleasure, but in reality does not bring you closer to the goal. For example, a smoke break does not help to calm down and gather strength for a new rush. It only takes up working time and harms health.

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