Experienced housewives told why to throw bay leaves in the toilet

28.02.2024/07/00 XNUMX:XNUMX    88

When using the toilet, it often creates an unpleasant smell, which is not always easy to deal with. Experienced housewives have come up with one interesting way.

It often happens that there is an unpleasant smell in the toilet. It can be caused by several factors. Dirt, food residue and bacteria can build up in the toilet, especially if it is not cleaned regularly. This can lead to the decomposition of organic substances and the release of an unpleasant odor. Clogged or damaged pipes can prevent the free flow of water, which leads to the accumulation of organic matter and an increase in the number of bacteria that give off an unpleasant odor.

The room where the toilet is located without sufficient ventilation can cause the formation of stagnant air, which is reflected in the unpleasant smell. Damage to the toilet that creates bumps or places for dirt and bacteria to accumulate can cause unpleasant odors. As it turned out, an ordinary bay leaf helps against unpleasant odors in the toilet.

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Experienced housewives told why to throw bay leaves in the toilet

Throwing bay leaves down the toilet can be used as one way to freshen and clean the plumbing, but it is not a very effective or recommended method. Perhaps this is due to the feeling of freshness and aroma that bay leaves can emit. However, it should be noted that bay leaves do not have antiseptic properties that can be useful for cleaning the toilet bowl. It can also lead to blocked pipes or other plumbing problems.

Instead, to clean the toilet, it is better to use special cleaning products that are designed for this purpose. They effectively remove dirt and bacteria, and also have an antiseptic effect, which ensures long-term freshness of the toilet.

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