My relationship with running


A person in the modern world is constantly running somewhere. Everything around moves at the speed of light. And it seems that one would have to wonder why exactly in such a hurry many people choose to run. Someone prefers a park, someone a stadium, someone is completely satisfied Treadmill. For example, I am completely satisfied with the HouseFit company. HouseFit treadmills- this is exactly what is needed for running in our realities.

I always had an interesting relationship with running. I started many times and gave up just as many times. To tell the truth, I don't even remember how many years this epic lasts. I tried different training programs, different methods, but all without success. But at some point, I said to myself: stop, enough is enough, or сейчас или never.

I decided not to use any training programs, but simply run two or three times a week for thirty minutes at an easy pace. Because the first thing that pushed me away from running was that at some point I couldn't force myself. Running was not a thrill for me, but rather a test. And easy training at a comfortable pace suits me best.

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That's how I trained for three months and a miracle happened - I didn't stop running. Initially, my goal was to run a half marathon. And after three months of easy running, I started preparing for a half marathon. I can't say that it was easy for me. But still much easier than all my previous requests. I ran my first half-marathon and, honestly, my happiness was limitless. You might have thought it was a dream, but my legs hurt unreal. The whole body ached from fatigue and strain. But the sensations were incredible and incomparable to anything that had come before.

When running became a part of my life, I decided to buy a treadmill. Sometimes the weather, sometimes just a lack of time prevented me from training. And I often began to think about buying a treadmill for home. You don't always have time to go to the gym either. In addition, there is no gym near the house, as well as near the work.

During my runs and participating in races, I met different people, found like-minded people. This had a more than favorable effect on my life and training. One of my running partners advised me to buy a HouseFit treadmill. He used this company for more than a year and was very satisfied. I am not one of those people who sometimes sit on the Internet and choose some product. And not those people who will go to shops and communicate with sellers. It is easier for me to listen to the advice of a person whose opinion is important to me in a specific area. That's exactly how it all happened. They advised me, and I immediately bought it.

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Treadmill - I do not use it as additional training. I replace it with the main one when there is no opportunity to run outside. It turned out that many of my friends do this.

Connecting my life with running was the best decision I've made in many years. Everything has changed. I no longer feel tired in the morning. I wake up easily. I can't wait for the next training day. Now I know my body and the capabilities of my body better. I have a new goal. Next year I want to run a marathon. While it sounds like a fairy tale. But I believe that I will succeed.

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If you think about running even occasionally, if this thought has already occurred to you, do not hesitate. Start running today. A couple of months will pass, and you will ask yourself only one question: Why didn't I do this earlier? Now there are many freely available training programs, schedules, and programs. You can try any of them based on your level of training and goals. My advice is: if you're just starting out, don't rush yourself right away. Start with easy running at a moderate pace. Let your body get used to new physical loads. Let your body feel the muscles in a new way. Give yourself the opportunity to love running.

I believe that everyone can achieve the result they want. It is important to want and regularly do what you love. I am a clear example of my words. Just a few years ago, I was a total loser and a one hundred percent beginner in running. I already had two half-marathons under my belt and I plan to run a marathon in an hour. And this, for a minute, is a whole forty-two kilometers.