The dragon raises its head: What products from China are the most relevant in 2020


A few months ago, China seemed to be out of the game, and its export and economic positions were shaken by the sudden outbreak of the coronavirus. But thanks to the consolidation of the population and the prompt response of the authorities, the epidemic was nipped in the bud, and now the PRC is rapidly catching up in the world market.

Therefore, trade with the PRC received a "second wind" and now it is important to understand what products to order by delivery from China. The logistics company UTEC Logistics, which has been working with Asian markets for many years and has extensive experience in this area, will help you figure it out. So, now the most relevant groups of goods are:

1) essential medical products and equipment. These include personal protective equipment (masks, respirators, gloves, overalls), antiseptics, medicines, ventilators, etc. Now UTEC Logistics directly cooperates with Chinese certified manufacturers of legal medical products: medical masks, tests for coronavirus, etc. It is Chinese three-layer masks of the N95 standard are the most sought-after product in countries affected by the epidemic;

2) technical equipment for food industry enterprises, private entrepreneurs. High-quality equipment is a support for manufacturers of food products, as well as representatives of the restaurant business, who continue to work in the delivery format. Food is always a relevant product that people need, including during quarantine.

3) electronics — household and digital appliances. After a long break, when China was forced out of the game, a certain deficit of electronics from popular brands was observed. Now, despite the isolation, people are buying equipment that helps them work from home and do household chores.

Now is the time of "global shakeup". Despite the crisis, people still need goods, not only medical, but also household, and even entertainment, to brighten up their stay in quarantine. Therefore, any businessman who quickly orients himself in the situation and is able to understand and use trends will receive a large profit in a short period. And the logistics company UTEC Logistics will help him in this, providing qualified assistance and becoming a reliable logistics partner for the delivery of goods from China.