The influence of music on health and intellectual abilities of a person


For many, listening to music is a daily activity that affects our health and health.

Classical music reduces blood pressure and heart rate, as well as the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. At the same time, we do not depend on the genre of musical compositions that we offer Channel: Download music the cortisol level decreases in people at the moment of listening. Conversely, listening to fast and rhythmic music during training increases the heart rate, distracts from muscle pain and fatigue, making training more effective and less exhausting. If a person has undergone an operation, then music will reduce pain and anxiety in the post-operative period.

Many people experience stress while driving, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. This heart stress can be imagined by turning on the music.

The beneficial influence of music began to be used abroad for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in patients. Such musical procedures stimulated physical activity and the desire to communicate with each other in the elderly. Familiar melodies are like a bridge, connecting the patient with reality and bringing him back to the present. Also, listening to music helps elderly people recover faster after a stroke.

Playing instrumental music also increases the performance of schoolchildren and students in all subjects, but the point here is not in the magical properties of music, as it may seem, but in the fact that in the process of mastering a musical instrument, children and teenagers put in a lot of effort and hard work, and it spreads and for other classes.

People prefer music that surprises, for example, a person expects to hear one combination of sounds and chords, but instead hears another, preferring unusual combinations and uncertainty, which is why pop music has become so popular.

But you should not turn on the music in headphones too loudly or approach the speakers at concerts and events, this can lead to hearing loss, and hearing problems that started at a young age lead to dementia in old age. Mechanical low-frequency sounds from equipment, pumps and air conditioners, often almost inaudible, can also lead to hearing loss over time, which is one of the main causes of deafness in modern cities.

Music is the most affordable and easy way to relieve stress, lift our spirits and affect our well-being, so feel free to turn on your favorite tracks, but not too loudly.