Drops in the nose - harm and benefit


It is better not to hope that the runny nose will go away without treatment. Such an option is certainly possible, but far from always. Prolonged rhinitis often affects the heart, complicates the work of cerebral blood circulation, indirectly leads to microstrokes and even heart attacks. In each case, treating a runny nose is not just desirable, but mandatory.

What happens in the nose when "breathing nothing"

The mucous membrane of the nose regularly releases an antiseptic secretion that protects us from many infections. Thanks to the full-fledged work of the smallest cilia of the ciliated epithelium, this process is imperceptible to us.

Protective mucus, along with absorbed particles of dust, allergens, viruses and bacteria, continuously moves to the larynx from the nostrils. This movement (mucociliary transport) is provided by the rhythmic oscillation of the cilia of the cells of the ciliated epithelium, which is possible due to the presence of a liquid inner layer of mucus lining the airways. This mechanism provides effective removal of pathogens of respiratory diseases from the respiratory tract as long as there is no violation of the transport mechanism of self-cleansing due to the effect of overdried and cold air, hypothermia, and the effect of viruses that attack the cells of the ciliated epithelium. . As soon as the evacuation process is disrupted and the spread of viruses occurs, a command is sent to the brain: increase the amount of mucus. As a protective reaction, the vessels in the nose dilate to accommodate the additional inflow. As a result, swelling occurs, and most of the movable cilia are no longer able to transport secretions (snot).

At this stage, the discomfort already arises, which progressively grows until we ignore the runny nose and do not start treatment. Drops in the nose in this case are our unconditional helper. But the effect of many medical preparations is ambiguous, and it makes sense to find out what the drops will really be able to help us with, and what they will harm.

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Real advantages

In most cases, drops with a vasoconstrictive effect help to "break through" a stuffy nose quickly enough. Decongestants (active substances of drops) directly affect receptors sensitive to adrenaline: they artificially cause a reaction of cells to stress. The blood vessels narrow sharply and quickly, the blood stops flowing intensively into the tissues, and the swelling subsides. The amount of mucus produced is significantly reduced, and we can breathe normally again. For three to five days, such drops can be used even without ENT prescription.

Dangerous minuses

Unfortunately, there is much more potential harm here. And the most harmless thing is that the effect of such drops will be felt only if we apply them sporadically. Due to the fact that, along with the removal of nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops impair the blood supply to the nasal mucosa, after the termination of their action, the patient feels even greater nasal congestion and impaired nasal breathing. All this forces you to continue using it. In addition, nasal decongestants impair mucociliary transport and, thus, make the course of the disease more severe.

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When active components are constantly in the blood, adrenaline receptors stop responding to them. As a result, the problem not only does not go away, but only worsens. A banal addiction arises, when the drops do not help, and the nose is increasingly blocked.


In addition, there are at least 7 good reasons not to rush to buy such nasal drops.

  1. In the case of rhinitis of an allergic nature, vasoconstrictor drops increase sensitivity to the allergen even more, and its exit from the nose with mucus practically stops.
  2. Due to the potential toxic effect on the fetus, it is not recommended to use drops during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. The natural nutrition of the cells of the mucous tissue is significantly disturbed, and the mucosa dries up a lot. The walls of blood vessels become thin, and periodic nosebleeds begin.
  4. Powerful vasoconstrictor drops affect the vessels of the brain. As a result, headache, nausea, retardation of reactions and even decreased vision.
  5. With serious problems with the cardiovascular system, getting rid of a runny nose with such a tool is generally prohibited. Regular use of drops increases blood pressure, provokes vascular spasm and increases heart rate. Systematic and long-lasting headaches occur.
  6. There is a big risk of pathological growth of the mucous membrane in the nose. Under the influence of active substances, the tissue grows to such an extent that surgical intervention becomes necessary.
  7. Vasoconstrictor drops only eliminate the symptoms and do not affect the root cause of rhinitis in any way.
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Alternative options

What should be done in order to cure a runny nose with the least risks?

It cures a runny nose safely and always helps in a short time Sinupret® extract. The herbal base of the drug has a complex effect on the problem (5 extracts), and taking one tablet three times a day very quickly makes breathing through the nose easier. The mucus thins out and comes out without any problems, the swelling subsides. Sinupret has antibacterial properties, suppresses the reproduction of viruses and prevents complications. Taking a tablet with a smooth surface is easier in any situation than burying the nose - another plus. Synupret has been produced in Germany for more than 80 years and has won the trust of the European market. Sinupret can be used for children from 2 years old (syrup). It is important that the drug does not harm the balance of correct bacteria and fungi on the nasal mucosa, reduces the number of complications and relapses.

In the case of a runny nose, self-medication easily leads to chronic forms. A few minutes of consultation with an otolaryngologist will protect you from useless and even harmful drops for the nose. Trust the expert's opinion, remember our recommendations and stay healthy.