How to determine the temperature in the oven


New models of ovens use special labels with degrees, by which you can set the required temperature. However, not all ovens are equipped with this, so the question arises: what other methods can be used to determine the temperature of the oven.

Special thermometer

Simple is best buy an oven thermometer. The main thing is to use the instructions before use, because they usually specify all the values ​​and what temperature they create.

You can also find special tables with temperatures for different types of ovens on the Internet. Print out this table or copy it and fasten it in a convenient place in your kitchen.

Folk methods

To do this, pour quite a bit of flour on a baking sheet in a preheated oven, wait for half a minute and watch what happens to the flour.

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• flour began to yellow slowly - this means that the fire is weak and reaches a maximum of 200 °C;

• the flour quickly turned yellow, and then darkened - it means that the temperature in the oven is average and reaches 240 °C;

• if the fire is too strong, the flour will immediately begin to darken quickly.

Using a sheet of paper, you can also determine the temperature in the oven. To do this, you need to put a sheet in the preheated oven in the place where the dish is usually placed and watch what happens to the sheet:

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• if the sheet is charred for about 10 minutes, then the temperature is not higher than 180 °C;

• charring in 5 minutes means that the temperature is about 200 °C;

• if only 1 minute has passed, the degree value is more than 200 °С;

• in half a minute - the temperature reached approximately 250 °C;

• if the sheet charred almost immediately, the temperature is too high and can reach 300 °C.

If there is a simple value in the form of numbers on your oven, then you can also orient yourself by them. Namely:

• 1 – means heating of about 150 °С;

• 2 – it is necessary to reduce the oven to this value at the end of cooking meat dishes and side dishes;

• 3 – you can bake biscuits at this value;

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• 4-5 – suitable for baking;

• meat dishes and other dishes are baked at the maximum value, but at the end reduce to 2.

Using these options, you can quite correctly and accurately solve the problem of determining the temperature in the oven. Of course, the most convenient and simple method will be the purchase of a special thermometer If you don't have time to go shopping and you need to treat your guests to fresh baked goods urgently, checking with flour or a piece of paper will do a great job of determining the temperature.