What are the differences between such genres as science fiction and fantasy?


People often confuse the concepts of fantasy and fiction. Some do not even understand that these genres characterize completely different works and completely different approaches are used when writing them.


The genre of fiction is characterized by a man-made world of the future, filled with androids, high-tech machines and the eternal dilemma of the confrontation between the human mind and artificial intelligence.

The world of fiction is based on logic and clearly follows the rational laws of the real world. Take, for example, the story of Jules Verne, in which you can see a detailed description of a submarine almost a hundred years before its technologically possible appearance. There are many similar examples in the literature, partly the development of technologies depends on the imagination of authors who show the possible direction of technological progress.

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Heroes of fiction are people or android robots living in the near future. As a rule, the characters do not change during the story, they live and act within the framework of pre-written conditions, but they have to make a difficult choice. Sometimes this choice is so difficult that it is impossible to say right away whether it was correct or not. Better download fantasy books on your mobile device - so you don't have to think about how to move with the book.


Unlike fiction, fantasy is an irrational world ruled by swords and magic.

Actions of fantasy take place in completely different worlds, practically not connected with the real world, or connected with the distant past of our planet. In the world of fantasy, various mythical creatures, such as trolls, orcs, vampires, elves, demons or angels, come to life. It is impossible to list all possible races, since they have their origin in the myths of various peoples or are recognized as the invention of the author himself.

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The presence of magic and sorcery is commonplace for fantasy. The laws of the real world either do not work there, or they work as the author wished. Although it is possible to find magic and technology working together in mixed works, this does not happen often.

Fantasy heroes undergo changes throughout the story: they grow, are exposed to magic or other forces, overcome internal disagreements and become worthy of recognition. At the same time, many complex moral and ethical issues are touched upon in fantasy, often with psychological or philosophical overtones. Download fantasy books possible on the Internet. Now there are no problems with this.

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The influence of fiction and fantasy

Even at the end of the last century, fiction was more popular, allowing people to make a significant leap forward in the development of technology. However, since the beginning of the new millennium, the fantasy genre has come to the fore.

The popularization and adaptation of the works of J. Rowling, Stephanie Myers and many other fantasy authors played a significant role in this. Now fantasy is actively screened and is gaining more and more fans.