Collars are mandatory. Cynologist Dmitry But talks about their benefits


More and more people are giving up collars in order to give their pet the desired freedom. Some dogs are completely afraid of collars due to psychological trauma from childhood, but in reality, collars are more of a necessity than a human whim. Dmitry Sergeevich But is ready to tell why collars are so important.

Dmitry Sergeevich But: training and control of the dog is extremely important

In the first stages, the dog in any case remains an animal, a predator that does not like rules. In fact, this is just a child that is difficult to control. Until the dog gets used to his nickname and learns the first commands, the absence of a collar can be dangerous for him.

Puppies always climb into all the cracks, so you have to pull them out from somewhere or quickly remove them from the road. The most convenient way is to pull the collar. Although it is often forbidden to do this, it is often the collar that becomes the salvation for the owners of a nimble dog. If the dog has no ego, one day they will have to pull the dog by the neck, and this is traumatic.

"It's very good that people are thinking about the benefits and harms of collars," comments Dmitry But. - There are many types - collars for small dogs, chokes, studded. A popular classic. This is an ordinary soft collar wrapped around the neck. There are no spikes on it. If the dog does not show signs of aggression, give preference to this one."

Dmitry But believes that training a dog without a collar is practically impossible. If it is easy to teach a pet primitive commands, then real obedience cannot be achieved without specialized equipment.

Electric collars. Dmitry But about why they are dangerous

In the past, collars with a built-in electric shock were very popular. It seemed that it was enough to shock the dog with an electric current and there would be no problems: an obedient animal is ready for anything. Modern cynologists never resort to such methods.

But Dmitry Sergeevich explains that the impact of shock therapy has not been fully investigated. However, dogs become more timid, stop trusting their owners. Often the dog loses its appetite or any desire to follow commands on its own.

The point of a collar that shocks a dog is to make it afraid. But not all situations require fear. Basically, you need patience and experience to achieve the result. If a dog handler uses violence to train a dog, he is not professional enough.