How to improve your eyesight


Vision is extremely important, as the subject receives 90% of all information through the eyes. Constant work at the computer, viewing social media. networks and news in a smartphone greatly increases the load. Therefore, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist on a regular basis and carry out preventive measures. If the problem already exists in the form of myopia or farsightedness, then it is simply necessary to follow the recommendations.

It is strongly recommended to perform gymnastics for the eyes. By doing 10 simple exercises every day, you can dramatically improve your visual acuity. They should be performed standing or sitting with a straight back, without excessive tension, at a slow pace. Each will be repeated 5-7 times.

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Leads his eyes from right to left; from top to bottom; upper right — lower left, upper left — lower right; circular movements along the time arrow; counterclockwise; to draw waves with a glance; shifts the gaze from a close object to a distant one; blink quickly

It is important to take vitamins and eat a variety of foods. It is recommended to periodically take vitamin complexes for the eyes. They can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. If it is difficult to make a choice, you can consult an ophthalmologist at A person's daily diet should be varied and complete. Preference should be given to products rich in vitamins E, A, C and minerals zinc and copper. They are found in large quantities in eggs, salmon, almonds, strawberries, crabs and turkey.

Letting the eyes rest under a palm tree will be a very useful action. Overstrain of the eye muscles is the cause of short-term loss of visual acuity. As a result, farsightedness or nearsightedness may increase. Palming, a special exercise for reducing mental and eye tension, according to the method of the famous ophthalmologist Bates, will help cope with this problem.

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Palming is very simple. It will take only 5 minutes:

sit comfortably at the table; rub your palms well until warmth appears;

fold them with a ladle; apply to closed eyes so that they are in complete darkness; rest your elbows on the table; sit like this for 5 minutes thinking about something pleasant; then slowly remove the hands from the closed eyes; Blink quickly to open your eyes.

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After palming, the vision will become a little sharper, the image will be brighter. This exercise is recommended to be done at the first signs of eye fatigue.

In conclusion, it should be noted that following the above recommendations, it is possible not only to significantly improve vision, but also to strengthen the eye muscles, as well as to reduce the risk of eye diseases.