How to choose the right perfume


Aromas accompany a person throughout his life, they are a mandatory element of an image. They emphasize character, mood and give individuality. How to choose the right perfume here? What fragrance should I use today? It is necessary to take into account such factors as the time of year, the style of clothing, the event for which the perfume is intended and, of course, your mood at the time of purchase. So, how to choose the right perfume for yourself?

Smells envelop people from the first minutes. Each person has his own fragrance, if your girlfriend or friend likes this or that perfume, it does not mean that it will suit you. Choosing spirits is a very important and unique process. Go in search of your perfume in a favorable mood, take your time and carefully study the ones you like. If you still don't know exactly what you want, it will take you a few days to fully feel the aroma, feel it on yourself, and focus on the most suitable.

Basically, toilet water or perfumes are chosen subconsciously, but you should not forget about some tips, they will help you decide on a fragrance.

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First you need to choose what you want - perfume or toilet water? These two products differ from each other in the concentration of the aroma. Perfume has a greater concentration, toilet water less. It is precisely because of this that they have different durability. Eau de toilette is more suitable for everyday life, and perfume for special occasions.

It is best to choose a perfume in the first half of the day, before lunch, it is at this time that the receptors are more sensitive. The menstrual cycle in women also has a special influence on the work of the sense organs, so the first days of it are the most favorable for choosing a fragrance.

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Exclude spicy and spicy dishes from the diet on the day of perfume selection, because they can change the acidity of the skin, and therefore the aroma will change. In addition, remove jewelry, because metal can also change the smell of the fragrance.

You should not buy a perfume that you like right away. It is advisable to wait a few days in order to correctly determine one or other smells that suit you best. It is best to apply the aroma and leave it overnight, this will help you fully feel it and open it.

Age also plays a big role when choosing a perfume, so, for example, youth fragrances are not suitable for older women, and heavy oriental scents can "age" young girls.

Fantasize. Imagine the different image that the fragrance evokes. What does he look like? Each scent can be compared, be it a seashore or a lavender field. Or maybe a coniferous forest or a sweet shop. Trust your sensations and feelings. These associations will help you identify exactly with your fragrance, among thousands of others.

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Each perfume has several fractions, one replaces the other. The first note sounds immediately after application and lasts about ten minutes, it is replaced by the main smell of the pyramid of perfumes, and in the next twelve hours a plume remains. Understanding these moments, the difference between perfumes and toilet water, the change of one note to another, will help in choosing a perfume.

The world of aromas is limitless. Everyone can find their own scent. Choose by trial and error, there's nothing wrong with that! Follow your intuition and feelings, develop a certain order and you will definitely find your individual and perfect spirits!