How to read to a child? Poems for newborns and the smallest


Poems for newborns and the youngest are read during games, at bedtime, feeding, bathing, changing clothes. Go to the online store of children's books Libraryto pick up beautiful fairy tales, poems, books. For the safe development of the child, different intonations in the mother's speech are necessary. Admiration, excitement, joy, exclamation, surprise, questions, all this gives birth to certain associations in the baby. Remembering the speech of the parents, the newborn forms the prerequisites for good intellectual development. Read proverbs, songs, jokes from an early, infant age, teaching your child to literary works, poems. Why is it important to read the poems of the little boy:

  • there is an allocation of separately repeating words from the speech;
  • the baby remembers the intonation, rhythm, focusing on the mother's voice;
  • the child makes separate sounds out of the mother's voice.
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A child's emotional health depends on communication with relatives. At this stage, the meaning of the words itself is not so important, but the intonation of the pronunciation. Grudnychok clearly distinguishes the words of relatives and strangers. The first causes positive emotions, joy, laughter, others - uncertainty, crying.

What literature to read in the first days of life?

Reading and singing can have a beneficial effect on the general state of the baby, develop musical and creative abilities. If the mother is afraid of hurting the child's hearing with her voice, she simply does not know how to sing, she should sing songs. For a positive mood and creativity, it is recommended to buy the following children's literature:

  • Paper dolls;
  • Protein;
  • Timofey Barashek;
  • Angus is lost.
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Impressive stories will make a baby and a growing baby smile. The works of famous writers are popular among parents, as the children's audience loved the books. Give the child the first positive emotions, tell the newborn exclusive stories, show mesmerizing illustrations. Special attention is paid to pictures. Clear images of good-natured creatures will arouse interest. Simple truths can be explained to a child using the example of heroes.

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Features of illustrated books are good children's literature with bright illustrations

A picture is a great way for a mindless baby to learn about the world. Show the kid interesting fairy tales that are not necessarily read. The plot and essence of the fairy tale are told by pictures that instill in the child a love of books. Agree, a child will pick up fairy tales with many interesting pictures faster than boring printed publications. Brightly illustrated literary masterpieces will instantly occupy a part of leisure time.