Specialists assessed the damage caused by household appliances


Advances in modern technology are safe for humans.

Can a regular TV or microwave kill you while you sleep? Do the mysterious "rays of death" distributed by the router walk around the apartment? VM found out whether it is worth being afraid of own electronics.

Achievements of modern technology are safe for humans if they follow the rules of operation and do not put a working microwave on their head.

Thousands of scientific articles have already been written about it. Of course, a cell phone and a microwave oven, which creates two frequencies for heating food, as well as an electromagnetic field, emit radiation. But it is enough to move away from the device by 1,5-2 meters, and that's all - no harm  technique the technique no longer carries. The main thing is to make sure that you do not have a transformer directly behind the bedroom wall, said the chairman of the Russian National Committee for Protection from Non-Ionizing Radiation, Doctor of Biological Sciences Oleg Grigoriev.

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Mobile phones are more dangerous. Experiments show that only 15–30 seconds are enough for the brain to feel the impact of the electromagnetic field during a conversation. The good news is that the headset can protect against this.

People who talk about "rays of death" penetrating the house often have a paranoid or paranoid disorder, believes clinical psychologist, head of the Center for Rational Psychology, Mikhail Hors.

Unlike paranoids, paranoids can often rationally justify their delusions. And there are a lot of such people among us. Someone broadcasts about the "rays of death," and others - about the FSB's machinations, which prevent people from improving their lives, - noted Mikhail Khors. — Leaders of totalitarian sects often suffer from such obsessive ideas.

It is precisely because of the rationality of their fears that they manage to attract the attention of gullible citizens.

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Electromagnetic fields are a very serious threat to all residents of a modern metropolis. And not only them, say parapsychologists.

In addition to the obvious danger to the body, which is represented by electromagnetic fields from household appliances, the equipment also affects the human biofield.

We are under constant radiation. Even if you pull out the microwave from the socket, you will not get rid of its harmful effects. It, like all household appliances in the house, will continue to distort your biofield, which at best will lead to not very serious illnesses. Radiation is best absorbed by cacti. They neutralize the harmful effects of this technique, said parapsychologist Mikhail Vasiliev.

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Modern scientists consider household routers distributing Wi-Fi to be one of the most dangerous modern sources of electromagnetic radiation. Their signal at the peak of operation is comparable to the base station. Therefore, it is better to keep routers at least three meters from living rooms - in the corridor or kitchen.