Why the organization of e-mail is important for labor productivity


Nowadays, many people find that when they approach their computer, they feel a sense of dread. Why? Because they are afraid to look through their unread letters. Only after a day off can an employee return to his desk and find hundreds of unread emails that require his attention. In addition, during the working day, they receive additional emails that require additional attention.

This feeling of dread can easily be avoided by organizing your email.

Problems associated with disorganized e-mail

When e-mail is disorganized, it causes numerous problems that businesses and individuals have to face. Here are some of the main problems:

1. I waste time going through every email to see if it's something important.

2. Due to lost time, many employees believe that they have to devote more time to their main work.

3. Employers believe that their employees are not so productive because they spend a lot of time reading e-mail.

4. This can cause serious stress, as e-mails can seem endless to a person, causing anxiety.

5. Emails can be easily missed or left unanswered until a later date, as a person may not know that they are important.

Although email may seem like nothing more than a problem, email is a part of almost everyone's daily life. Regardless of whether you check it on your phone, tablet or computer, for your personal or business life, you will never have to leave your email. And for those concerned about productivity, email is one of the biggest time killers.

Now that you see the problems with disorganized email, let's look at the benefits of having a more organized email:

1. After e-mail registration completed and the mail is configured, employees can quickly see what emails they need to read, and what can wait until they have free time.

2. It is easier to find urgent letters that require an immediate response.

3. The time that was once spent looking at each email will be spent on real work.

4. This can reduce the amount of time people spend after the work day reading e-mails.

How to organize e-mail to increase productivity?

So, how can people organize their e-mail so that it is easy to manage it while working? Here are some suggested ones:

1. Employers can require people to send emails only when necessary. This can help with the number of emails that people receive in general, which will greatly increase productivity.

2. Avoid sending personal letters to work mail, as it will take more time, since they are considered personal.

3. Make sure that advertising e-mails are sent to the basket or to a special folder.

4. Select specific senders that are always important so that these are the first emails you see.