Startup - innovations capture the world


Few people know that the term "startup" first appeared in the late 1930s in America. This term was applied by two university students to their brainchild, which grew and is now known to us under the "HP" brand.

For some reason, many people compare a startup with opening a new business, but there is still a difference between them that is quite noticeable for creators and investors. First of all, a startup is the use of innovations, new ideas that have not previously been reflected in business.

Secondly, startups do not have start-up capital, or the amount is insufficient for further development. Thus, they are directed to search for investors. Further, the niche that they want occupied is completely empty, so at the start the position is quite shaky due to the lack of practical experience.

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Google on the Internet what ideas the founders of startups offer: from the most absurd ones that have no chance of success, to multimillion-dollar developments capable of changing the world in the future.

Broad perspectives

In any case, by participating in a startup as an investor or founder, each of us receives significantly more advantages than negative points. This is always an opportunity to open a new field of activity, expand the understanding of standard principles and contribute to the development of the economy. In addition, the majority of startups are not aimed at creating a business model, but at real help in ecology, human relations, and environmental protection.

And here is the result

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In order to explain with a concrete example what interesting startups are, let's turn to the project carVertical. At first glance, the service offered by them is quite standard and primitive - obtaining information about the car by VIN code.

When you or your friend bought a used car, what did you know about it? No, not from the words of the owner or the reseller, who benefit from selling the car as high as possible, hiding unpleasant facts about it, but from official sources.

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In this case, this startup would come to your aid. The purpose of the service is not only to check the car's data using the code, but also to receive complete and official information about all its owners, countries of registration and even traffic accidents (if any).

Such a service allows you to save significant amounts and time, which you no longer need to spend in the garage or at the service station. And this is just one of thousands of startups that really benefited all participants in the process with their ideas and developments.