Candy bouquets are an original and delicious gift


The beautiful tradition of giving flowers to loved ones originated a long time ago. There are various theories about how and for what reason this custom arose. Some in their arguments refer to the rulers of the Middle Ages, who loved luxury. Others connect this tradition with even more ancient times, when hunting and gathering prevailed in people's lives. In that period, bouquets had medical significance, as they were formed exclusively from useful herbs, which were later used as medicines. Like other centuries-old traditions, the custom of giving flowers has changed over the course of human history and acquired its own characteristics depending on the geography of application.

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Today, we give bouquets to our loved ones not only on major holidays, but also when we want to please a person, apologize or even just say "thank you". Times dictate their own rules, and along with flower bouquets, gift bouquets made of candy, which can be ordered on the site, are now actively in demand Well, who doesn't like sweets these days?

According to their fans, original candy bouquets are a beautiful and non-standard alternative to a flower bouquet in combination with a box of sweets. It is perfect when you want to surprise, leave an indelible impression, make the event bright and memorable. There was also a case when the florist was approached with a request for a flower bouquet for birthday people who do not like cut flowers or have a pronounced allergy to many of them.

An experienced florist is able to create a real masterpiece from chocolates, jellies, candies and at the same time take into account the theme of the holiday - be it a school event, a wedding, or even a sports competition. And if the lifespan of a flower bouquet depends little on external factors, then in the case of a composition of candies, it depends entirely on the appetite of the recipient of the gift.

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There are no such holidays and occasions in honor of which it would not be appropriate to buy a bouquet of candies. They are given on birthdays, professional holidays, during the presentation of awards, to confess love, make a romantic proposal, or even make amends. The only case when a bouquet of sweets may not be appropriate is a child's birthday, if the parents do not allow the child to eat sweets for medical reasons. In other circumstances, a gift bouquet made of candies will definitely set you apart from the crowd of donors and be remembered by the recipient.

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